Tag: Rockingham County

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A photo taken from above showing a shadow of a drone behind a woman.

What happens when a drone stalks you? At first nothing, but a Rockingham County woman found a way to fight back

Lynlee Thorne was working on her Rockingham County farm one summer day in early June when she heard the intrusive buzzing. It was back, and she could feel it overhead, flying low and hovering. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Whether it’s science or not, practitioners of water witching swear by its seeking powers

Some swear a forked branch from a peach tree is best. Others cut a coat hanger in half. Still others use bronze. Water witching is holding sticks or rods in front of you while you walk, hoping they’ll dip or cross when you’ve hit a patch of groundwater ideal for a well.


A year after their arrival here, spotted lanternfly becomes more of a nuisance

Julie Hart, who lives in Rockingham County, was visiting Smiley’s Ice Cream in Bridgewater with her family in early October after hiking a trail in Shenandoah National Park when her daughter noticed a bright red speck on the ground. “Isn’t that one of the bad bugs from that poster we saw on our hike?” her daughter asked.


A long climb toward creating a national scenic area could reach new heights

As she drives along a dirt-and-gravel road between Reddish Knob and Flagpole Knob, Lynn Cameron points out particular stands of trees and pockets of brush like a city dweller might point out their favorite coffee shop or a friend’s house they used to visit.


Middle River Regional Jail board delays action on expansion as officials ‘need to verify’ figures

Plans to expand the Middle River Regional Jail have stalled – for now. Rockingham County Administrator Stephen King, who serves as chairman of the jail’s authority board, announced at the board’s meeting Tuesday that the board would not take any action on an expansion proposal that day.


Little Pantry aims to help others stock up

At the Singers Glen recycling center sits an unassuming cabinet next to the bins full of cardboard and newspapers.


The Citizen launches dashboard to track local vaccinations

The Citizen has developed an automated tracker that summarizes and offers readers visualizations of vaccine data published by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). When the VDH updates its datasets each day, these charts will also display the latest figures. Vaccination rates are calculated using 2019 data from the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau.

As Harrisonburg metro area continues growing, city proper stagnates

The city of Harrisonburg’s decades-long trend of rapid growth is no more. According to 2020 estimates published by the Weldon Cooper Center, the city had a population of 54,049 on July 1. While that’s up slightly from last year’s estimate, it’s lower than the 2016 estimate, capping a five-year period in which the city’s population essentially remained flat.

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