Tag: school budget

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A tree with a long brick building behind it.

Rockingham Co. school chair claims ‘there is no conflict’ with attorney, suggests he might not show up to April 1 emergency meeting

What had otherwise been a low-temperature Rockingham County school board meeting ended with a lengthy speech by board chair Matt Cross addressing questions about RCPS’s new legal counsel after The Citizen and the Daily News-Record reported on a potential conflict of interest. In his remarks, he suggested he and other county board members might not attend an April 1 emergency meeting about the issue. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

School board budget calls for raises of 5% or more

Harrisonburg teachers are in line to get a raise in the proposed budget the school board approved Tuesday and sent to the city council — the only question is how much.


City schools prepare for extra funds, more changes because of pandemic

Harrisonburg City Public Schools will receive an additional $1.1 million in federal CARES Act funds to recoup costs incurred during the pandemic, as Chief Finance Officer Tracy Shaver announced to the Harrisonburg School board in a work session on Tuesday.

Harrisonburg schools superintendent suggests revising relationship with police department

Harrisonburg City Public Schools will review — and potentially revise — the district’s relationship with the Harrisonburg Police Department, which has four school resource officers placed across the schools. Superintendent Michael Richards brought the item to the school board’s work session on Tuesday.

City schools begin bracing for a new year of online and in-person teaching and learning

Superintendent Michael Richards told the School Board Tuesday that the city schools might rely on a hybrid system of remote and in-person learning in the fall, but school officials are waiting for the state to release guidelines for reopening schools.

Amid money crunch, school board cuts $1.2 mil. in new positions from budget

Harrisonburg City Public Schools is slowing the expansion of district-wide staff in response to expected revenue losses because of the pandemic. To this end, the Harrisonburg School Board, during its Tuesday work session, tentatively approved a first draft of budget revisions that takes out planned positions.

Board delays new high school project

Harrisonburg’s new high school will not open by fall 2022 as planned. In light of local revenue lost because of the pandemic, the Harrisonburg School Board voted unanimously in a virtual meeting Tuesday to suspend the project until the city attains the necessary funding.

Coronavirus shuts down schools for the rest of spring and creates ‘grounds for concern’ about Hburg district’s budget

As COVID-19’s disruption to schools escalated Monday with statewide closures for the rest of spring, Harrisonburg school officials dealt with the fallout while also making final preparations to present the district’s 2021 budget to the city council tonight.

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