Tag: Sentara RMH

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Area health officials plan impending initial rollout of COVID-19 vaccine

Anticipating that the first COVID-19 vaccines will be administered locally in the next several weeks, the Virginia Department of Health is working with hospitals and healthcare associations to plan the initial distribution. According to Dr. Laura Kornegay, director of the VDH’s Central Shenandoah Health District, several criteria still must be met before people begin receiving vaccines. One is a final Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for two vaccines produced by the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna


Central Shenandoah Health District seeing ‘significant community transmission’

Although not at emergency levels, cases and hospitalizations from COVID-19 have been trending noticeably upward in the Central Shenandoah Health District. “The district has seen a significant increase in cases and general increases in hospitalizations related to COVID,” said Dr. Laura Kornegay, health director for the district, in an email to The Citizen.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Sentara RMH to contract with new interpreters

On-site interpretation for patients at Sentara RMH will look a little different later this year as the hospital plans to outsource those services.


School tech and suffering businesses and residents are in line for shares of Hburg’s CARES funds

Purchasing school technology for online learning, providing relief for local businesses and residents and covering some costs of delaying construction on the second high school are at the forefront of the draft for how the city could spend $4.6 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds.


Volunteers harness ingenuity and 3-D printers to make 2,800 face shields for health workers and first responders

Donating 1,200 clear plastic face shields to Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital was already a big undertaking, but a local group of volunteers with access to 3-D printers has kept going — producing protective equipment to donate to organizations and first responders, including more than 250 face shields to the Harrisonburg Fire Department.

As federal funds arrive, some Harrisonburg residents, businesses and agencies are getting a little relief

Millions of dollars from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, or CARES Act, will trickle into Harrisonburg over the coming months in various forms — through money to the city government, as stimulus checks and unemployment payments to residents and as loans and grants to businesses and organizations.

Sentara RMH has plans to handle additional COVID-19 cases but stays quiet on testing, equipment questions

Harrisonburg has 87 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Monday – the most out of all localities in the Central Shenandoah Health District, according to data from the Virginia Department of Health. Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital has been preparing for the increase, while implementing new procedures, such as aggressive screening of visitors and, according to a spokeswoman, by preparing areas within the hospital for additional treatment areas should the region see an even sharper spike in cases.

The Citizen’s local COVID-19 ‘Giving Guide’

Community resources in Harrisonburg are under more pressure than ever to adapt to new conditions in wake of COVID-19 and provide services to those who may not have needed them before — or now need them in more intensive ways.From food banks to homeless shelters to direct fundraising efforts, The Citizen has compiled a list of various organizations and businesses in Harrisonburg in need of extra support.

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