Tag: The Elderly Aunt

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A tribute to our Elderly Aunt

Dear Readers, Martha Woodroof was our Elderly Aunt. But she will always be so much more.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

The Elderly Aunt’s answers about pandemic relentlessness … and sharing that last cookie

Hi Elderly Aunt, I am sooooooo over winter and pandemics. I have been watching so much Netflix that I’m tired of it, yet I don’t seem to have the attention span to finish a book. Any advice for someone like me who lives alone and is in a major rut or do I just need to suck it up until spring when I can at least go hiking again?


Hey Elderly Aunt, should I confront maskless shoppers?

Dear Elderly Aunt,
I wanted your take on this. When I see someone in the grocery store not wearing a mask, am I morally obligated to say something to them? Or will that just invite unnecessary conflict? What do you do when you see someone in public who should be wearing a mask and isn’t. Thanks for all your advice.


Hey Elderly Aunt, what should I do about my friend ghosting me?

Dear Elderly Aunt.
Love your advice. I didn’t think I would ever write a question, but I’ve been stewing on something. I had a friend. Well, we were friends. We almost took it to the next level, if you know what I mean. But then he took a job in another city almost exactly a year ago. We kept in touch, mostly through texts. About six weeks ago, he started ghosting me. Just no response. So I backed off. I sent him a DM last week and again, nothing. I miss him in my life, and he gave no hints about why he might cut me off. I’m not sure if he wanted us to get romantically involved and was disappointed we didn’t. Or maybe he’s in a relationship and doesn’t want to tell me? But it’s hard to ask him when he won’t respond, right? So what do you think I should do?

The Elderly Aunt’s lessons of 2020 and hopes for 2021

Now that 2020 is done and dusted, the Elderly Aunt’s editor at The Citizen asked her to jot down her thoughts on what she learned slogging through it, followed by her expectations for what’s ahead in 2021.

Hey Elderly Aunt, my friend was accused of a crime, and it’s affecting our friendship

Someone I had considered a friend was accused of a crime, and I’m having a hard time not letting it affect my opinion of her and, as a result, our friendship … It’s made me seriously question whether to continue our friendship. Am I in the wrong for letting something that didn’t directly affect me end a decade-long friendship? And what would you recommend that I do next?

Hey Elderly Aunt, help me convince my husband to stop driving (half) blind

Dear Elderly Aunt, My husband’s eyesight is getting worse. I’m no longer comfortable being a passenger in the car with him and have told him so. I do the driving when we both go places. But he still gets behind the wheel to drive himself into town. This is making me more nervous, but his license doesn’t expire for another 18 months, and he keeps saying he’ll be OK until then. I don’t want to just hide the keys, so how would you suggest I firmly but delicately address this issue with him?

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I respond when people tell me to pick up after my dog when there’s nothing to pick up

Dear Elderly Aunt — What is it with people in this town yelling at me about cleaning up after my dog? Three times in the last week, someone has opened their front door and demanded that I pick up non-existent poop! I have a female dog, so she squats to do No. 1. and No. 2. But I know the difference between her postures and can’t clean up what isn’t there! Do I pretend to do it regardless? Do I yell back? I am starting to lose patience with my so-called “neighbors.” What happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt?

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