Tag: Thomas Harrison Middle School

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Four people standing while two dozen others sitting clap

Harrisonburg schools prohibit students from using personal phones during school day

Students in Harrisonburg City Public Schools will have to finish texting and scrolling social media on their phones before school starts and wait until after the final bell rings to resume, now that the school board approved a new cell phone policy. 


City schools implement restorative approaches to move beyond detention and discipline

With student behavior remaining a key factor in teacher morale, Harrisonburg city schools’ Restorative Practice Coordinator Isaiah Dottin-Carter said Tuesday he’s trying to use restorative approaches to address conflicts while ensuring that all voices are heard.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Thomas Harrison Middle School wins improvement award


While schools are out, Harrisonburg teachers find ways to reach their students

Classrooms across Harrisonburg are eerily empty at a time that they normally would be electric with the excitement of spring and the beginning of the home stretch of another year of learning. And COVID-19’s disruption to student-and-teacher connections is only starting to become clear.

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