Tag: citizen science

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Brown creepers, golden crowned kinglets and tufted titmice appear for annual bird count

Bill Benish describes Brown Creepers as odd little birds and he means no disrespect.


Snow goose, Ross’s goose make Rockingham debuts for annual bird census

The Central Shenandoah Valley won’t be having snow for Christmas, but it might be hosting a pair of snow geese and a Ross’s goose, natives of the arctic.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

New archaeology center aims to dig through the Valley’s past

nt years, Nash and her team uncovered that the Thomas Harrison House in downtown Harrisonburg was never inhabited by Thomas Harrison at all. She was also called on to talk about the lost history of razed buildings in January of 2020, when city officials considered the idea of demolishing the Denton building. 


The forthcoming county bird checklist includes 301 species and everyone should be excited about it!

Snowy Owls, flamingos — you never know what kind of birds you might encounter in the Shenandoah Valley. However, on the eve of the annual Rockingham County Christmas Bird Count, a group of eagle-eyed bird watchers have a pretty good idea of which ones have been through the area — for now.




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