Author: Ciara Brennan

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Shoes in the foreground and racks of clothing behind them

‘Is that shirt from here?’ Local resale stores connect people with their styles

Every piece of apparel for sale in Dart Resale and Trade is hand selected by owner Mary Yoder-Anderson to round out a “vibe.” The clothing comes in brown cardboard boxes, clear organizing bins or white laundry baskets to the front desk of her downtown Harrisonburg store. By 1 p.m., the wait time for Yoder-Anderson to sort through a dropoff and select purchases for her store is three hours and climbing.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Two women working in a cluttered store room

‘100 impossible things’: Inside the city’s thrift shops that sift through and sell our used clothes

Outside of Gift and Thrift on a Tuesday morning in late August, Thomas Martin sorts through a white crib filled with jeans that cost 75 cents. The store’s doors are locked and will remain so until Gift and Thrift opens in 15 minutes but already shoppers are perusing the outside items.


Valley-based tech firm gains momentum from Microsoft designation

Caf2Code, a Harrisonburg-based software development company and business-to-business consultancy, has ambitions of expanding its workforce in the Valley especially after receiving a prestigious designation from Microsoft this year. 


Three framed paintings and two photographs hanging on a brick wall

It’s back — and this lotto takes more than luck to win

Pamela Tittle’s portrait had sparkle. This year, with the help of her husband, she fashioned lights behind her painting of fellow artist Frank Marshman. Marshman’s image seemed to appear like a genie from within an antique folding camera, and guests could change the effect of the lights with the press of a remote. And the other artists took notice. “Did you see the one with lights?” they asked each other while perusing the gallery Thursday evening. 




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