Author: hburgcitizen

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Community Perspective: Blue Ridge FC: Harrisonburg’s New Soccer Sensation Draws Crowds and Dreams Big


When you take a hike, bring a notebook — and other experts’ advice about better understanding the Valley this spring and summer

Don’t just stop to smell the flowers when you’re on your next hike — sketch them. That’s what Nichole Barrows does. (This and other audio stories through the Shenandoah Valley Ever Green project outline advice and expertise about the natural systems at work in the Valley this spring and summer.)


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Emma Phillips, Kristen Loflin & Andy Kohen win school board race

With all precincts reporting results to the city registrar’s office, Emma Phillips, Kristen Loflin and Andy Kohen have been elected to the Harrisonburg City School Board.


Monica Robinson, Dany Fleming elected to city council; Chris Jones wins uncontested special election for third seat

According to preliminary results announced by the city registrar, Democrats Monica Robinson and Dany Fleming were elected to fill two open seats on the Harrisonburg City Council on Tuesday night.

Community Perspective: In defense of gender policies at HCPS

A contributed perspectives piece by Heidi Pennington and Sara Snyder As parents of HCPS students and members of the Harrisonburg community, these writers wish to respond to Deborah Figliola’s op-ed published in June 2022. In her opinion piece, she attempted to justify the lawsuit she and five others are bringing against HCPS. Ms. Figliola, and the …

Community Perspective: Thor: Love and Thunder, a movie review

A contributed perspectives piece by C.A. Mills Summer block-busters are usually good distractions from the chaos of the world. On a recent evening, I decided to indulge in cold movie theater air and see “Thor: Love and Thunder”. There is a lot to be disappointed about in this film (the writing is uneven, the tone …

Community Perspective: Hidden censorship: limited availability of diverse books

A community perspectives piece by Sandy Parks Almost every day there is news about another book, or list of books being banned somewhere. Across the nation, there were 155 unique book challenges in the second half of the year alone, a marked increase from past years. Most of these challenges target books that focus on …

Community Perspective: Not The Russian Bear

A community perspectives piece by James Sattva I am an agitator, an educator, and an organizer.  I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t hyper-aware of the injustice constantly at work all around me.  At the same time, I was  baffled that no one saw what I saw, or that no one was willing to …

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