Author: Zia Faqiri
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‘Every day you call your parents hoping that random bomb didn’t fall in their city’
A year since Russia invaded their home country, Ukrainians in this area are still doing everything they can to help their home country. “One of the worst years of my life,” said Nicole Yurcaba through tears.
What’s that sound you don’t hear outside City Hall?
The two newest cars joining the city of Harrisonburg’s fleet are so silent you could hear the drivers’ voices from the other side of the parking lot as they tested them out Wednesday.
State veterinary board indefinitely suspends Harrisonburg-area vet’s license. Here’s what happened.
RICHMOND — After two days of hearings about whether he acted appropriately and can continue practicing medicine, Dr. Ayman Salem, a veterinarian who operated emergency animal clinics in Harrisonburg and Winchester, faced the Board of Veterinary Medicine on Friday afternoon to learn his fate.
Midway through another tough tick season, here’s what to know
During her junior year in high school in Northern Virginia, Abby McKay woke up one morning scared and uncertain whether what she was seeing was real.
Valley high school students race in super-charged soapbox derby
For generations, kids have been building soapbox cars and racing them in derbies, but the days of actual soapboxes on lawnmower wheels have given way to vehicles that are far more complicated and powerful while being eco-friendly.
Local support for Haitian relief efforts builds on previous connection
At 8:29am on August 14, a devastating earthquake destroyed the already unstable foundations of multiple Haitian communities. In its aftermath, some are drawing on local connections to the island nation formed after another horrific earthquake struck Haiti in 2010.