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Hey Elderly Aunt, how should I honor a dead loved one on their birthday?
Dear Elderly Aunt: My father died three years ago. I realized recently that I didn’t even acknowledge his birthday this year. I’m his last living descendent, so there’s no one for me to reminisce with. And I don’t live near his grave. But I feel my connection to him slipping away. Do you have any suggestions for how to honor the memory of someone who is gone on their birthday?
JMU hosts vaccination event for higher ed employees
All JMU employees — including faculty, staff, graduate assistants and student employees — and other local higher education staff members that fall under Virginia’s 1c category are eligible to receive a first round of the COVID-19 vaccine at the JMU Convocation Center on Friday morning.
A downtown park? No more parking decks? Hburg residents have chance to shape city’s future
Harrisonburg community members can inspire a new vision for downtown to help shape its next 20 years, such as what to do with the lots where the two downtown parking decks stand.
Middle River Regional Jail board delays action on expansion as officials ‘need to verify’ figures
Plans to expand the Middle River Regional Jail have stalled – for now. Rockingham County Administrator Stephen King, who serves as chairman of the jail’s authority board, announced at the board’s meeting Tuesday that the board would not take any action on an expansion proposal that day.
Lights, camera, action: Harrisonburg Regal set to re-open May 21
For Welsko and Barr, the local movie experience will take a turn for the better on May 21 when Harrisonburg’s Regal Theater will begin showing movies again for the first time in about eight months.
Council members see need for investment but still not sold on expansion after MRRJ tour
After a tour of the Middle River Regional Jail on Saturday, Harrisonburg city council members indicated that they still want to explore alternative options to the proposed $40 million expansion plans.
Current and former MRRJ inmates raise complaints about conditions
As Middle River Regional Jail and its inmates continue navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, some inmates and people formerly incarcerated in the jail are speaking out about what they call unsanitary conditions and inadequate health care.