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Volunteers step forward to provide childcare for hospital staff

As schools shut down and daycare centers operate under new restrictions – precautions meant to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus – parents who are still required to go to work every day could now be facing months of childcare challenges. At one crucial area institution, Sentara RMH Medical Center, this has prompted a call for volunteers to meet that need.


Concern over pandemic’s effect on the homeless dominates council meeting

COVID-19 drove the discussions during Tuesday evening’s Harrisonburg City Council meeting, as the council confirmed a local state of emergency and addressed the public’s questions about how the city could help those experiencing homelessness during this pandemic.


Coronavirus shuts down schools for the rest of spring and creates ‘grounds for concern’ about Hburg district’s budget

As COVID-19’s disruption to schools escalated Monday with statewide closures for the rest of spring, Harrisonburg school officials dealt with the fallout while also making final preparations to present the district’s 2021 budget to the city council tonight.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

‘This is a real thing, and it’s here.’ One local patient’s experience recovering from COVID-19

It started with coughing, which I think maybe still was allergies. That was middle of the [first week of March], and by that weekend I started getting flu-like symptoms, just chills and fevers and full body ache, that kind of stuff.

Hey Elderly Aunt, is my adult daughter pushing me away?

Hi Elderly Aunt, I’ve really enjoyed reading your responses to so many varied questions. And while I didn’t think I’d ever be writing one myself, here I am in a bit of a quandary. I am a single lady of a certain age, long divorced with one adult daughter. She and I have enjoyed a close relationship since she moved back to the Valley after college several years ago. We would meet up for lunch or coffee almost every week and text frequently in between visits. But in recent weeks, she’s either been unable to meet up or had to cancel our lunches and has been slow to text in response. I have asked if everything’s okay. She says she’s just been busy. But I can’t help but notice a chill in her voice. She seems reluctant to tell me many details of what’s happening in her life, and I’m trying not to sound like I’m prying. I remember reading in one of your past responses that you’re a mother of an adult daughter. Any advice for a fellow mom who just wants to restore and maintain a healthy relationship with her daughter?

Why a stimulus package may not help this time – yet

The government is considering a $850 billion stimulation to get the economy rolling again with a relatively small tax relief to individuals (mine would be $242/month, a mere 9% of my disposable salary) and $50 billion to the airlines. I’m not an economist, but based on my life in small-city America, it seems clear to me that there are problems here.

2020: A New Financial Decade

Harrisonburg is college town so – in more normal times – you can’t go too far on a nice day without seeing an outdoor college party. Recently I witnessed a rowdy event taking place at some houses that border the rear of our office parking lot.

Virginia Department of Health confirms two more cases of COVID – 19 in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County area; JMU confirms one is a student

The Virginia Department of Health has confirmed two more COVID-19 cases in Harrisonburg/Rockingham County area; JMU confirms one case is a student‬.

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