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Newly Re-Elected Local Republicans Face New Reality in Richmond


School board signs off on new high school’s final design and $87 mil. price

Harrisonburg’s new school will cost no more than $87.2 million, the school board decided in a unanimous vote at its meeting Tuesday, as it recommended updated designs to go to the city council for its final approval.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Del. Tony Wilt and Sen. Mark Obenshain win reelection

With results in from all precincts on Tuesday night, Republican incumbent Del. Tony Wilt has won reelection in House District 26. According to unofficial results compiled by the city and county registrars, Wilt defeated Democratic challenger Brent Finnegan by 10,064 votes to 8,603.

Election 2019: talking points and things to know

It’s Tuesday and voting is on in the 2019 state legislative elections. For Harrisonburg voters, names on the ballot in the two General Assembly races should look familiar, as both the House of Delegates and State Senate races are rematches from last time around.

A market garden with a remarkable backstory

Dusting off his hands after an early morning of pulling weeds, Leons Kabongo steps back to admire his vegetable garden. Tucked between two houses on a half-acre lot on Madison Street, it features towering plumes of amaranth. In his native Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kabongo says, it’s known as “bitekuteku.”

Hey Elderly Aunt, I’m tired of politics, so should I send a message by not voting?

Hey Elderly Aunt, I’m so tired of politics on all levels. I read your response to a reader about how to find news we can trust. It was fine advice, but I’m not sure why it matters anymore. Politicians are going to lie, so what’s the point of spending so much energy on them? And I know I’m not alone, based on conversations with my friends. Wouldn’t it send a clearer message about our collective frustration if we all chose not to vote?

Hburg’s Kurds raise awareness about — and condemn — Turkish attacks

Three weeks after President Trump announced a withdraw of U.S. troops from Syria, members of the Kurdish community in Harrisonburg gathered to protest the Turkish military aggression in that part of Kurdistan — the region stretching across eastern Turkey through northern Iraq that constitutes the Kurds’ traditional homeland.

Behind the screams in the Fear Forest

Shrieks filled the air as night finally fell on Fear Forest, a local haunted attraction near Cross Keys. As the last of the ghouls filed in under the enormous skull that serves as the Forest entrance, a line of customers began to form, eager for the all-in-good-fun terror that awaited them.

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