Tag: planning commission

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City adds restrictions on data centers, allows for developers to pay for public upgrades in zoning applications

Cash proffers — in which developers pay to offset effects on the community like necessary road expansions —  will now be permitted in zoning applications after a 4-1 city council vote in favor of the change. City officials explained that all zoning requests would still be considered and adjusted individually, but allowance for cash proffers will provide more flexibility in zoning decisions.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

City aims to keep tobacco and vape shops 1,000 feet from schools and daycares

A new measure will prevent tobacco, smoke and vape shops from opening within 1,000 feet of Harrisonburg daycare centers or public and private schools.


With concerns about conditions surrounding addiction recovery houses, city council delays vote

The Harrisonburg City Council is considering changes to the zoning ordinance that would allow group homes in the city’s residential areas for people recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. 


Group draws on others’ lessons as they suggest updating Rockingham’s solar farm ordinance

Because being first is not always best, a committee reviewing and proposing updates to Rockingham County’s solar farm ordinance is happy to draw on the experience of other communities.

City gets good news about shelter pets; Council praises Baugh for his service (then appoints him to do more)

In its last meeting of 2020, the Harrisonburg City Council bid farewell to Richard Baugh, the veteran council member and former mayor who will be replaced by newly-elected member Laura Dent starting in January.

Council moves toward rewriting AirBnB regulations … again

City residents living in single-family homes, duplexes and townhomes will soon have the right to host up to four guests in their home through platforms such as AirBnB, as the council on Tuesday approved a first reading of revisions to the city’s short-term rentals policies.

Planning Commission continues tinkering with “Airbnb” ordinance, with eye on loosening some restrictions

City officials’ year-long struggle to create fair, equitable regulations for short-term housing rentals plodded on during a Planning Commission work session on Wednesday afternoon, where a two-tiered system for permitting was discussed again.

City leaders look into tweaking ways to regulate Airbnbs

Less than a year into regulating Airbnb properties and other “short-term rentals,” Harrisonburg might soon see changes to that system, including making it easier for those who operate “homestay” rentals out of their house.

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