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Community Perspective: Christmas

A contributed perspectives piece by Joe Laughland

In 1952, we got a TV. A fancy polished wood cabinet with double doors that opened to a gray oval screen with a dial for selecting channels and a knob to turn it on.


Community Perspective: Revised Revision of Carols, 2021

A community perspectives piece by Tom Arthur

Retired JMU acting teacher, Tom Arthur, offers tongue-in-cheek carols for challenging times.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Harrisonburg nonprofit looking to expand solar’s reach across Virginia

A Harrisonburg nonprofit wants to expand its efforts to make rooftop solar systems affordable to low-income homebuyers across Virginia.


BRCC faculty adjust to students’ changing needs, challenges amid the pandemic

Dave Urso, a dean of academic affairs at Blue Ridge Community College, came to the school 16 years ago because it was an open admissions institution that sought to meet students where they were. But with the pandemic interrupting new students’ last couple years of high school, the college has had to adjust in myriad ways to keep up with those students’ needs. 

Snow goose, Ross’s goose make Rockingham debuts for annual bird census

The Central Shenandoah Valley won’t be having snow for Christmas, but it might be hosting a pair of snow geese and a Ross’s goose, natives of the arctic.

Although slightly remote, new charging station offers glimpse of off-the-grid future

Harrisonburg’s first off-the-grid vehicle charging station is a little out of the way — but a sunny preview of what’s to come, environmentalists say.

Harrisonburg police play key role in connecting murders to possible serial killer

“Serial killer” isn’t a phrase commonly used in the Valley, but the Fairfax County police chief said a man Harrisonburg Police charged in relation to two homicides in November is connected to similar murders in Northern Virginia. 

Proposed redistricting maps lump three state senators into city’s district, redraw House lines

Draft maps of new state legislative districts for Virginia propose changes to both the Senate and House of Delegates districts that include the City of Harrisonburg – and may affect who represents it in the General Assembly. 

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