Tag: I-81

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As major I-81 construction nears, people who live and work closest can weigh in whether they want a sound barrier

With a major expansion of I-81 through Harrisonburg about to begin, people and businesses located closest to the interstate will have a chance to weigh in on whether they want a sound barrier built to dampen highway noise. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

I-81 update: Del. Wilt says construction to widen the section that goes through Harrisonburg could start soon

Plans for the improvement and widening of Interstate 81 through Harrisonburg are moving along, and the public will begin to see roadwork soon to support infrastructure changes for the widening, said state Del. Tony Wilt. 


Obenshain’s bill to limit fuel tax for some I-81 communities gets parked

A bill introduced by Senator Mark Obenshain (R-Harrisonburg) aimed at limiting a gas tax increase in communities not directly along Interstate-81 got shut down this week in the General Assembly.


Legislative Q and A: As session begins, Wilt prepares for budget, ERA, absentee voting and gun debates

With the 2020 General Assembly session beginning today, Del. Tony Wilt, R-Broadway, answered questions about how he expects to approach key issues, such as the Equal Rights Amendment, the commonwealth’s budget, what’s next with I-81, what it will be like serving in the minority and what he views as a threat of “radicals.”

How will 2020 shape Hburg’s future? Let’s play Twenty Questions

And so it begins. Hopes for and speculation about the future abound, as does list-making for a fresh year. As we set off for the next 12 months, get ready for plenty of “20/20 vision” references. In that spirit, here are 20 questions (in no particular order) for 2020 that address issues that will likely shape Harrisonburg for the next decade and beyond.

Beneath a political cloud in Richmond, legislators emerged with policy ‘success,’ says Harrisonburg’s delegate

Despite a legislative session that The Washington Post described as “the strangest … in anyone’s memory” amid a trio of scandals in Virginia’s executive branch, Harrisonburg’s state Del. Tony Wilt said it ended up being a “very successful legislative year.”

After winning the election and ‘worst lottery’ ever, Cline begins congressional journey

Ben Cline spent part of December reaching out to his new constituents, starting with the four communities he lost in November as the longtime Republican state delegate from Lexington prepared to go to Congress. But the Washington experience, which officially begins with his swearing in Thursday, will likely get tougher for Cline as he enters the minority party caucus in a divided Congress and amid a government shutdown.

As momentum grows for I-81 upgrades, lawmakers prepare to pick between tolls and taxes to cover the $2 billion cost

Toll or tax? That’s a question that state legislators will begin debating next month when the General Assembly convenes for its 2019 session. At issue is Interstate 81 – the increasingly congested, dangerous and routinely backed-up artery that carries hundreds of billions of dollars in goods each year straight through Harrisonburg and western Virginia.

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