Tag: ARPA funds

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A white two-story house

Approvals for recovery homes and Northeast Neighborhood improvements move ahead

Local mental health organization Strength In Peers can now use a house on North Main Street as an addiction recovery home after the city council on Tuesday approved the rezoning of that property to allow for boarding houses. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

City buys land on Mount Clinton Pike for 5th fire station

Harrisonburg’s planned fifth fire station reached another milestone Tuesday as the city approved the purchase of land along Mount Clinton Pike so the fire department can respond quicker to calls in the northwest neighborhoods. 


Grant funds come at the right time for local groups focused on mental health

Harrisonburg has been spreading out $400,000 in grants from the federal American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to improve mental health services in the city, and the funding comes precisely when many community organizations are in need of it. 


City Council entertains doing a 180 on skate park contractor

Before deciding the next step in rebuilding the Westover Skate Park, the city council on Tuesday decided to explore whether it’s best to find a new contractor. 

Mayor Reed goes to Washington … and other news and notes from city council

Harrisonburg’s top official will get some face time with the nation’s leaders next month. 

Lights, skate park, action: City expects some ARPA-funded upgrades to be finished as early as summer

Harrisonburg residents can expect as soon as this summer to see several improvements funded through the American Rescue Plan Act, including renovations and upgrades to several parks and recreation facilities. 

Council approves spending remaining ARPA money on parks and rec-heavy spending plan

The Harrisonburg City Council ultimately decided Tuesday to allot the remaining $11 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds on a spending plan that prioritized parks and recreation. 

Architect's drawing of a new building

City braces for higher construction costs, including public works building and potentially the new homeless shelter 

Concerns about ballooning construction costs for the city’s homeless services center and low barrier shelter prompted the city council to hold off on finalizing a plan Tuesday for spending its $23.8 million in federal American Recovery Plan Act funds.

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