Author: Eric Gorton

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A picture of a yard sign advertising the Friendly City Solar program

HEC eyes 6% increase in power rates — but here’s why customers’ bills might not go up

Starting July 1, Harrisonburg Electric Commission customers likely will see a 6% increase in the utility’s base rate for power.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

A picture of a yard sign advertising the Friendly City Solar program

With sluggish enrollment in solar program, HEC looks to make changes

Sometime this spring, subscribers to Friendly City Solar could increase their participation in the program and invest more in the local solar power generation program that is having difficulty attracting customers.


Hiring difficulties slow start of HFD paramedicine program

Difficulty hiring paramedics for a new kind of position has slowed the Harrisonburg Fire Department’s endeavor to implement a community paramedicine program.


A picture of a building

HEC had hand in keeping power on for millions during pre-Christmas cold snap

More than 60 million people in 13 states and Washington, D.C. were able to keep their lights on and electric heat running during an arctic blast on Dec. 23 and 24, partly due to the efforts of the Harrisonburg Electric Commission.


From humble beginnings to local icon, Explore More Discovery Museum observes first 20 years

It started as a passing thought after a museum trip with their young children: Wouldn’t it be nice to have something like that in Harrisonburg? It returned after subsequent visits to other museums, and eventually became an obsession.

Brown creepers, golden crowned kinglets and tufted titmice appear for annual bird count

Bill Benish describes Brown Creepers as odd little birds and he means no disrespect.

New director of Massanutten Regional Library likes what he sees

Since beginning his new job on Nov. 7, Zachary Elder has checked out an audio book to help pass the time on an eight-hour car ride, picked out a printed guidebook on the 50 best day hikes in the Shenandoah Valley and started taking a course to improve his Microsoft Excel skills – all from his new place of employment

HDR receives $90,000 grant for music series; now seeks sponsors, volunteers

Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance learned Tuesday from the Levitt Foundation that Harrisonburg was one of 15 localities chosen around the country for the grant, signaling the start of more hard work to make the series happen.

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