Author: Haley Thomas

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‘When you see it, you think of Rocktown’

Rocktown High School has its official logo thanks to the combined efforts of students at Harrisonburg City Public Schools and James Madison University students and a professor from JMU’s School of Media Arts and Design. 


City school district considers changes to its school resource officer program

Harrisonburg City Public Schools will consider ways to improve school resource officer (SRO) relationships in schools, including introducing annual “check-ins” with facilitated dialogue, adding language to a policy that aims to protect students and expanding the group tasked with providing oversight of the program. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

School board allows teachers to move forward with collective bargaining vote

Andrew Thompson, president of the Harrisonburg Education Association, called the Harrisonburg City School Board’s Tuesday business meeting a “historic night” after board members voted 5-1 to allow the district’s teachers and other employees to move forward with an election to decide whether to engage in collective bargaining. 


Harrisonburg school workers call for collective bargaining at Tuesday’s hearing

A sea of red T-shirts met the Harrisonburg City School Board at its Tuesday work session as the Harrisonburg Education Association rallied for collective bargaining for the school district’s employees.

Duck trails: City gets a sneak peek at new downtown art that will double as a scavenger hunt

Explore More Discovery Museum will continue celebrating its 20th birthday this year with another artistic addition — the installation of bronze duckling statues spread throughout downtown Harrisonburg, which will create an immersive scavenger hunt for all ages. 

After state report says schools are being shortchanged, Harrisonburg board calls on General Assembly to act

Virginia’s legislative watchdog agency launched a scathing report on the state’s K-12 public school funding midway through the Harrisonburg school board’s month-long summer break. At Tuesday’s business meeting, the board unanimously took a stand.

‘When did Harrisonburg become cool?’ Students spearhead community mural project

The school year might be over, but students already have homework for the 2023-24 school year: creating a community mural downtown that will be called  “Intertwined.”

Spotswood Elementary teacher named city’s Lucy F. Simms Educator of the Year

Through teary eyes, Daniella Buenaventura made her way through the crowded city hall chamber, where audience members had by that point risen to their feet. They applauded as Buenaventura made her way to the dais to accept the city school district’s Lucy F. Simms Educator of the Year award. While the board’s meetings are typically quiet, a chorus of cheers rang through the room on Tuesday.

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