Tag: Harrisonburg Police Department

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HPD’s new Victim Services Unit is up and running

If your wallet were stolen today, you could expect a call from the Harrisonburg Police Department’s new Victim Services Unit tomorrow asking if you would like help canceling your cards. If you witnessed a traumatic crime and were wondering what comes next, the phone call would help clear things up. If you called 911 because you were experiencing domestic abuse but didn’t know whether you’d press charges, you would get the call too, and if it isn’t a good time to talk, you could call back once you were alone.


Speed cameras to go up in road construction and school zones; Council approves new budget

New speed monitoring cameras aimed at protecting the safety of road construction workers and children will pop up in construction zones and school zones across the city next month now that the city council unanimously approved a new ordinance Tuesday night. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Facing a DWI charge, city council member Chris Jones seeks ‘to move forward’

After finding him asleep at the wheel of his car late May 2, police arrested Harrisonburg City Council member Chris Jones and charged him with driving while intoxicated, according to court documents. 


What do the numbers reveal about Harrisonburg’s crime rates?

Later this week, the Virginia State Police Department will close out the 2022 data processing period, after which it will release a summary of crime in Harrisonburg, as well as the rest of Virginia, called “Crime in Virginia.”

Officials investigate ‘non-credible’ threat at high school; Board explores ways to improve teacher morale

School officials and police determined that a threat of a student bringing a gun to Harrisonburg High School on Tuesday morning was “non-credible,” but not before it caused “disruption”and “nervousness,” Superintendent Michael Richards said. Also at Tuesday’s school board meeting, district leaders outlined six ways to help address issues that have sunk teachers’ morale.

Public safety agencies seek to attract needed reinforcements

With about 20 open positions in Harrisonburg Police Department and the fire department preparing to add a new station, the city is trying a host of strategies to attract new applicants for first responder jobs.

Former & current staff and residents speak out about conditions at Salvation Army shelter

Understaffing at the Salvation Army emergency shelter in Harrisonburg is creating potentially dangerous conditions for those who work or stay there, according to several current and former staff and residents.

Harrisonburg police play key role in connecting murders to possible serial killer

“Serial killer” isn’t a phrase commonly used in the Valley, but the Fairfax County police chief said a man Harrisonburg Police charged in relation to two homicides in November is connected to similar murders in Northern Virginia. 

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