Author: Charlotte Matherly
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With national recognition, Harrisonburg author NoNieqa Ramos extends her literary activism
Being the author of a book that the Library of Congress will showcase might sound like the ultimate honor, but that’s not how Harrisonburg writer NoNieqa Ramos defines success. Ramos views her job as something much more important: “inventing young people.”
City schools to update U.S. history lessons to more clearly spell out slavery’s role
The city schools will update textbooks and curriculum this fall to more directly acknowledge slavery and white supremacy in U.S. history — changes that a state commission had recommended last year.
Rosetta Stone employees say they were blindsided by massive layoffs
The sweeping layoffs and gutting of the iconic Harrisonburg firm Rosetta Stone began Tuesday with a mandatory company-wide Zoom meeting. By the end, whole teams of people learned they would no longer have jobs.