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Perspective: Confessions of a drag king rookie

What’s it like performing in front of 165 people in Harrisonburg dressed as someone of another sex? Our contributor found out.


At campaign fundraiser, enthusiastic Valley Republicans look to November and beyond

At this year’s oyster dinner fundraiser, the focus went beyond Sen. Obenshain’s attempt to win a fifth term to serve as a kick-off for the pivotal 2019 campaign season where Republicans are seeking to maintain their majorities in the General Assembly.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

A $1,000 fine, and other local library trivia

“The library is part of the educational and cultural life of its community and defines the library’s role in the community as assisting in the democratic process through the free communication of ideas.”


Local group conducts “solar census,” as HEC raises solar cap to 2% percent

With solar energy growing quickly in the city (and soon to take another leap, if the school board has its way), an effort is underway to document and map every installation in the city. The 2019 Harrisonburg Solar Census launched on March 30 and will make the information it gathers accessible to the public.

Protesters urge council to back off of proposal that could affect panhandlers; New budget calls for 6% increase; And recycling is on the move

About 25 people, holding signs with slogans such as “homeless rights are human rights” and “housing not handcuffs,” marched to council chambers from Court Square Tuesday in opposition of a proposed ordinance that was introduced to city council at their last meeting.

Learning to fight back: Class teaches self-defense skills

Deputy Matt Glovier removes his padded training suit after spending over an hour battling a dozen women. Punches had been thrown at his head. Jabs were directed at his ribs. Tennis shoes kicked and whacked his legs and stomped his feet. At one point his ear was grabbed and twisted, dropping him to his knees.

Amid concerns about potential citizenship question, area leaders make case for how and why the Census counts

For every member of the community who doesn’t participate in the upcoming census, Harrisonburg could miss out on $2,000 in federal funding. That’s the message Census Bureau officials are taking across the country, including to Harrisonburg.

Hey Elderly Aunt, are ghosts real?

Well, dear reader …

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